Secretariats are strongly encouraged to appoint a Chair from a National Committee other than their own. Chairs from the same National Committee as the Secretary should only be approved in exceptional circumstances, for example when no other candidate is available.
12 months before the deadline, the Permanent delegate of the NC holding the Secretariat receives an alert after 6 years of the first mandate of the Chair, and then every 3 years.
The NC holding the Secretariat either proposes to extend the current Chair’ s Term of Office for another 3-year period or launches a call for candidates (8 weeks) for the Chair at TC level.
NCs are invited to propose candidates.
The NC holding the Secretariat, taking into account all inputs, nominates the Chair for appointment/reconfirmation by BT (see CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations-Part 2, clause 3.2.2 ) by correspondence.
12 months before the deadline, the Permanent delegate of the NC holding the Secretariat receives an alert after 6 years of the first mandate of the Chair, and then every 3 years.
The NC holding the SC Secretariat either proposes to extend the current Chair’ s Term of Office for another 3-year period or launches a call for candidates (8 weeks) for the Chair at SC level.
NCs are invited to propose candidates.
The NC holding the SC Secretariat, taking into account all inputs, nominates the Chair for appointment/reconfirmation by the parent TC (see CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations-Part 2, clause 3.2.2) through a 4-week consultation.