The Frankfurt Agreement allows for the adoption of an International standard as a European Standard through the parallel procedure. The options for working in parallel are described below.
1.1 When IEC creates a New Proposal (equivalent to a New Work Item (NWI) in CENELEC), CCMC creates the NWI in the CENELEC database and adds it to the work programme of the corresponding CENELEC technical body.
1.2 The voting period is the same for both IEC and CENELEC and shall be timed to start and end simultaneously for each stage.
1.3 When IEC launches the CDV, CENELEC launches the Enquiry with associated vote. Any comment received at CENELEC side during Enquiry is transmitted to, and examined by, the responsible CENELEC technical body taking into account the voting report with IEC technical body decisions in order to assess the need for common modifications.
1.4 If IEC publishes the standard after CDV, CENELEC follows and publishes the European standard. See ‘Referencing of CENELEC standards developed under FA’
1.5 If IEC launches the FDIS, CENELEC launches the Formal Vote simultaneously.
1.6 In case of different voting results at IEC and CENELEC level, possible options to handle them are the following:
If the text is approved at IEC but not at CENELEC level, the CENELEC Technical body can propose to BT to either
If the text is not approved at IEC but approved at CENELEC level, the CENELEC Technical body can propose to BT to either
1.7 The European elements of the published EN IEC are at least the title page of the EN IEC, the European Foreword and the Annex ZA 'Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications'.
All CDV and FDIS circulated for vote in IEC are automatically submitted for enquiry and vote within CENELEC. But there are exceptions not following this parallel procedure. Exceptions are listed in “exemptions from parallel procedure“ and regularly distributed to the CENELEC and IEC members.
Part 1 - This lists all the IEC projects that the CENELEC Technical Board has decided shall not be submitted to parallel procedures in CENELEC.
The reasons not to go in parallel with IEC are given by the CENELEC Technical Committee and are mainly due to technical aspects specifically pertaining regional requirements.
These exemptions are either temporary or permanent.
Part 2 - This includes IEC projects for which the CENELEC Technical Board declined a parallel procedure in CENELEC, but nevertheless approve the use of the IEC document in Europe by the CENELEC Members in their capacity as IEC Members. For CENELEC members standstill applies to these standards.
The Annex ZA replaces the normative references of the IEC standard with their European counterpart where these exist i.e. either (a) in referring to a possible existing European standard with the same scope or (b) in replacing the IEC standard referred to by its European adoption. This can be done even if common modifications exist. These replacements are outlined in the correspondence table of the Annex ZA.
The Frankfurt Agreement applies to standards. The European adoption of IEC/TS or IEC/TR is approved by CENELEC BT on a case by case basis. The adoption of CENELEC TS or TR at IEC is decided by the TC/SC concerned.
The parallel procedure also applies to a Work Item for IS of an IEC SyC, unless the BT decides to exempt it.
Yes, ISO/IEC JTC 1 standards are covered by the Frankfurt (and Vienna) Agreement but permanently exempted from parallel procedures. This means that a CENELEC adoption of an ISO/IEC JTC 1 standard will only be started on an ad-hoc basis by a CENELEC BT decision.