This page specifies the actions required to consider any modification to, addition to or deletion of specific parts of a European Standard (EN) by processing an amendment (including the addition of Annex Z of European Standards for citation in the Official Journal), in line with the agreed time frames.
The following process applies to the CENELEC National Committees, the CENELEC technical bodies (TBs) and the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC).
NOTE: No more than three separate amendments to an EN/HD shall be published. Beyond that, the EN/HD shall be revised as a new edition with a new date.
1.1 The CENELEC National Committees, a TB, the EC, the EFTA Secretariat, the international or European trade organizations, professional, technical or scientific organizations send a request for an amendment to an existing EN or HD to the appropriate TB via the TB Secretary (or BTTF Convenor).
1.2 The TB, being responsible for the maintenance of the EN/HD, decides if the EN or HD is to be amended or not, and if an amendment is deemed necessary, asks BT to approve the development of the amendment through the New work Item proposal.
1.3 The TB prepares the draft amendment, which is sent for approval procedure the same way as an EN. (see Enquiry)