This page specifies the actions required to correct mistakes which could lead to an incorrect or unsafe application of a European Standard (EN), a Technical Specification (CLC/TS) or a Technical Report (CLC/TR) by issuing a corrigendum.
It applies to CENELEC National Committees (NCs), CENELEC technical bodies (TB) and the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC).
1.1 A corrigendum is issued to correct a technical error or ambiguity in a European Standard (and HD for CENELEC), a Technical Specification or a Technical Report, inadvertently introduced either in drafting or in printing and which could lead to incorrect or unsafe application of the publication.
Corrigenda are not issued to correct errors that can be assumed to have no consequences in the application of the publication, for example minor printing errors.
Corrigenda are not issued to update information that has become outdated since publication.
1.2 A National Committee, a TC, the EC, the EFTA Secretariat, an international or European trade organisation, a professional, technical or scientific organisation sends a request for a corrigendum on an existing EN, HD, TS or TR to the appropriate TB via the TB Secretary.
Corrigenda should not be published for documents older than three years. However, for exceptional cases, i.e. documents older than 3 years, TB submits the request to CCMC, including a clear explanatory rationale, for submission to BT approval through a 4-week consultation.
1.3 The TB Secretary, together with the TB Chairperson, responsible WG Convenor and CCMC, immediately evaluates the request. The TB Secretary informs the TB about the request and consults the TB in case of doubt.
For harmonized standards the potential impact of a corrigendum shall be carefully considered.
The TB Secretary informs the originator of the request and CCMC ( about the conclusion within 4 weeks.
1.4 If the need for a corrigendum is confirmed, the TB Secretary prepares, within 4 weeks and in conjunction with the TB Chairperson or the responsible WG Convenor, the text of the standalone corrigendum in the relevant reference language version and sends it immediately to CCMC (
1.5 CCMC finalizes the standalone corrigendum, dates them (a corrigendum is not numbered) and sends them (within 2 weeks following receipt in CCMC) via E-Trans to the National Committees for immediate action at national level and to the Associates, the Affiliates, the EC, the EFTA Secretariat, the TB Chairperson and the TB Secretary.
1.6 The relevant NCs prepare the translations of the impacted official CENELEC language versions as standalone corrigendum and return them via E-Trans to CCMC within 4 weeks.
The relevant NCs inform CCMC if the official language version is not impacted by the corrigendum.
1.7 The National Committees check whether their national implementations of the original European Standard are impacted by the corrigendum.
In case their national implementation is impacted, the National Committee shall immediately implement the corrigendum at national level.
National Committees decide individually how to implement the corrigendum at national level, i.e. as standalone corrigendum and/or as consolidated version.