This page specifies the actions required to undertake the review of a European Standard (EN) and to communicate the outcome to the CENELEC Technical Board (BT).
1.1 CCMC notifies the responsible CENELEC technical body (TB) of the need to undertake the review at the latest four years after the publication date of the EN. An earlier review can be initiated upon decision of the TB, or following a request of a CENELEC National Committee, the EC or EFTA Secretariat or CCMC.
If there is no responsible TB, the BT has to decide after having examined the proposal prepared by CCMC.
1.2 The TB (or the BT if there is no responsible TB), being responsible for the maintenance of the EN, is required to review the standard and to decide on its future by simple majority, to:
1.3 The result of the review shall be proposed to BT for confirmation.