Develop technical content between CEN and CENELEC members on matters of common interest while avoiding duplication of work between electrotechnical and non-electrotechnical sectors.
Establishes deliverables within the given scope, in line with the relevant CEN and CENELEC Technical Board decisions.
The secretariat of a joint Technical Committee is allocated to a CEN and/or CENELEC Member.
Voting rights are restricted to CEN or CENELEC Members depending on the work item lead.
5.1 Composed of CEN and CENELEC representatives and open to all CEN and CENELEC Members, on the basis of only one common delegation per country with representatives appointed by the members of CEN and CENELEC in that country.
When forming their delegations to the joint Technical Committee (JTC) meetings and appointing experts to Working Groups (WG), CEN and CENELEC members should ensure that all interests affected by the work are properly taken into account.
5.2 If appropriate, at the discretion of the CEN/CENELEC Technical Boards, representatives from other bodies may participate as observers.
5.3 A Joint CEN-CENELEC Technical Committee is led by a Chair.
6.1 Joint CEN-CENELEC Technical Committees are set up by the CEN/CENELEC Technical Boards where both CEN and CENELEC have some aspects in common and normally if no competent CEN and CENELEC TC exists. The CEN and CENELEC Presidential Committee is informed thereof.
It may also be applied if one organization, or both, already have a competent TC in operation. In the latter case, any pre-existing item on the work programme of a TC falling in the scope of the intended joint work shall be transferred to the joint Technical Committee. Only in this case where a pre-existing Technical Body is dealing solely with the intended joint work, it should be disbanded upon the creation of the joint TC.
6.2 The Chair is nominated by the secretariat and appointed by the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards.
Joint Technical Committees shall establish a work programme within the given scope.
From the start, Work items shall be allocated to the work programme of one of the organizations. Approval of this work programme shall be secured at the level of the Technical Boards, or in case of difficulties at the level of the Presidential Committee.
Work results of joint Technical Committees are submitted to the organization to which the work item belongs for enquiry, voting, ratification and publication.
Information about submission of drafts to procedures is to be provided to the non-leading organization.
The cover page of any (draft) publication resulting from joint work